Saturday, January 12, 2013


So if you know me you probably suspect I am a compilation of several personalities. Not schizophrenic, mind you. I can't even spell it. As a Gemini, I do tend to vasilate between organized thought Kathy and "woohoo!" Kathy. This demonstrates itself in my blogging. For instance, did you know that I actually have another blog of the same title? You can find it at this address; .  This is a wordpress blog. It is neatly presented as an offering to all of those poor souls who have endured some of the challenges that my family has. However, because I have the Woohoo side of me, it has yet to be completed. So this is what remains. Might I add that neither of these blogs seems particularly useful to anyone. Oh, well.  It has always been my opinion that blogging is on line journaling. and that's okay!  So when my mind rambles and you care to listen, this is the blog for you. When you need some help for the parenting beatings we get from time to time, check out the other. Hopefully, organized Kathy will get her act together and put the productive blog in order!!!

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