Saturday, September 24, 2011

Welcome Fall!

I  realize it has been awhile since I've posted. However, in my defense, I have been working, upkeeping a class blog, oh and trying to manage life.  Last April, Angela and I were diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I considered keeping a blog of this experience, but there are millions. Or I could keep everyone  updated on life with a Fibromyalgia child, or how about an Asperger husband? And then I thought, well who the heck doesn't have issues in life?And don't forget my total disgust with the judicial system and cps.But I digress.
   No worries, we are all alive and well. We are learning to adjust to all of our inadequacies. We are learning patience. We are learning to trust in the Lord. Always learning.
   As we reach the year mark of Braydon being taken from Tab, I look back and feel much pain. But I also can see that life has been forced to slow down around  us.  Because of this, we can observe more things that are happening and make better judgements on how we will react to them in our lives. Reactions are a choice. Just as we have agency to choose between right and wrong. We have been given the agency to choose how will react to things that happen to us. It makes a difference. A difference between that horrible pain in your gut or the ability to just breathe.
   And so I choose to be appreciative of my issues. They will help me grow. And as I age, maybe I will have the wisdom and experience to be able to be that listening ear that my children and grandchildren will need in the coming years.It's all about acceptance, i guess.

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